A Season Among Psychics
A Season Among Psychics - a novel by Elizabeth Greene
Judith, at fifty, feels that her life is irremediably stalled, and she is depressed. Although she has a secure job teaching English Literature at a university, she is the single mother of a son on the autistic spectrum who has been lurching through the school system, year by year. Buried under the surface of her life, is her longing to write, and her deep feelings for Brian, a man who taught her in a creative writing program, and with whom she has telepathic connection. When Judtih meets Rosetta Kempffer at a psychic fair, she doesn’t imagine that anything could change a life that seems so hopelessly stuck. Rosetta suggests Judith take a course from her in psychic healing, and although Judith is skeptical, she signs up, not expecting it to make a bit of difference. Yet, during the course, Judith learns not only techniques and awareness of healing, but also the truth of "things not seen with the bodily vision," and the profound connection between teaching and healing.
No Ordinary Days.
No Ordinary Days. Poerty by Elizabeth Greene
No Ordinary Days is a book of shifting perspectives. It begins with a sense of limited beautiful days and a series of elegies for friends alive in memory but vanished into the stream of time. It opens into a consideration of some of the heroism, tragedy and terror in our age and briefly looks forward to a time beyond capitalism. The poems then turn to the personal as the poet experiences disruption in her own damaged home, her temporary homelessness, and her renewed appreciation of home. Framing these poems about the uniqueness of days and the change of one age to the next are poems about the immensity beyond the earthly realm, the vastness of the stars..
The Dowager Empress by Adele Wiseman

The Dowager Empress launches Oct. 3 2019 at Ben McNally’s in Toronto, 6-8 and Oct. 5 in Kingston, Novel Idea, 7-9.
Adele Wiseman’s poems, the major work of the last ten years of her life, largely unpublished before now, are tough, curious, original, authentic and accessible. Like her novels and non-fiction, they are vision-clearing.
Understories (Inanna, 2014)

Understories is an exploration of things visible mostly to the inner eye and memory, things below the surface. It explores loss, but also recovery through memory and language.
Two poems in Understories were short-listed for the Descant/ Winston Collins Prize in 2011 and 2013.

Moving is a life journey about the search for home: imaginative, spiritual, emotional and actual. Underlying the poems are two lost homes—the poet's childhood home, which she moved from when she was seven, and her mother's—a home stattered by her mother's (the poet's grandmother's) death and her little brother's death at seven.
The Iron Shoes (Hidden Brook, 2007)

A collection of poems inspired by Kingston's streets and haunted houses and a journey through the poet's past as she invokes and lays to rest some of her old ghosts.
Common Magic: The Book of the New with Danielle Gugler

Common Magic: The Book of the New with Danielle Gugler (Artful Codger Press, 2008)
A poetic tribute to Bronwen Wallace by contributors to the 2008 Common Magic Conference at Queen's University.
Kingston Poets’ Gallery

Kingston Poets' Gallery (Artful Codger Press, 2006)
This book, drawn from an eight-part reading series Elizabeth Greene organized in the winter and spring of 2005, includes Kingston poets ranging from nationally known to lesser known, from poets in their twenties to others in their seventies and eighties.
On the Threshold: Writing Toward the Year 2000

On the Threshold: Writing Toward the Year 2000, with Foxglove Collective (T. Anne Archer, Mary Cavanagh, Elizabeth Greene, Tara Kainer, Janice Kirk) (Beach Holme, 1999).
A book conceived around Janice Kirk's kitchen table in 1993, On the Threshold collects poems, stories and creative non-fiction from a broad spectrum of writers across Canada.
We Who Can Fly: Poems, Essays and Memories in Honour of Adele Wiseman

We Who Can Fly: Poems, Essays and Memories in Honour of Adele Wiseman (Cormorant, 1997).
A tribute to Adele Wiseman, winner of the Governor-General's Award (1958) for her first novel The Sacrifice, this book documents Adele's gift for friendship and her contribution to the literary community during her years as Director of the Writing Program at Banff.
The Window of Dreams: New Canadian Writing for Children

The Window of Dreams: New Canadian Writing for Children, with Mary Alice Downie and M.-A. Thompson, (Methuen, 1986).
Thirty stories and poems for children written by Canadian authors, including fantasy, lyric poetry, animal stories, nonsense verse, and realistic fiction.